A message from the Committee

We would like to thank everyone for their commitment and support – the Jetty 2 Jetty is no longer just a race, it’s an iconic event on the running calendar with over 5,000 entrants expected to run, jog and walk the Peninsula that we get to enjoy everyday.

This years JETTY 2 JETTY is fast approaching and although the runners will only remember their run, behind the scenes a team of MBRR members (that’s you) are making sure the day is a huge success.

The race is a showcase of the Peninsula, our Club and its members – the Jetty 2 Jetty is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Our volunteer efforts support the cost of running the Club including Time Trials and breakfasts, Annual Dinner, Kids Christmas Party and more – Please volunteer if you can.

Family and friends can also volunteer!
Please let us know in the Comments area and their efforts will raise money for the Club.

Completing the Volunteer Registration

We have an exclusive period to fill volunteer roles until 31st March. During this time, we do our best to place you in a preferred area (subject to the number of volunteers required), so, if there is a particular area you want to assist in, please select from the options below.

PACERS – The Club will again provide pacers for this years race. If you are interested in being a pacer, please select the distance and a time that you can comfortably achieve. These positions are always in demand and preference will be given to members who have volunteered on any of the pre-race days.

After 31st March, we can still submit volunteer names but MBRIT will deploy volunteers where they are most needed until all positions are filled.

Lookout for an email from us! It's your confirmation that we've received your response.


One of our first tasks is to inform the local residents that the Jetty 2 Jetty is on Sunday 20th July and there will be road closures for the duration of the race. We need to distribute leaflets to homes along the course.


Over three days all 5,000+ competitors will collect their Jetty 2 Jetty packs. Our Members assist with the smooth collection of race bibs, merchandise and answer questions about the race.

Each day is divided into a number of sessions. Please select any sessions in which you can assist.


Getting the race precinct ready is a big job -  Be prepared for plenty of heavy lifting and manual labour!

Jobs here include the setup of the baggage and registration tents, signage, finish area and more. We make sure everything is ready for competitors.


It takes hundreds of volunteers to make the Jetty 2 Jetty a success - our members will be at the front, welcoming the competitors to the race precinct, at the start line, and at locations from Scarborough back to the finish area.

All roles are easy and no special skills are required. If you're a first-time volunteer, you'll be paired with a member with plenty of experience. Friends and family can also help with all volunteers hours contributing to our Club. 

Some lucky members even get to pace the runners out on course!

This years beneficiary is THE BREAKFAST CLUB